Big Data and Big Oil— unlocking investable digital instruments with never-before-seen potential
Posting on Big Data, our friend and colleague Michael Creadon from 4rev.com: “Big data — information — is the new oil, according to some. Check out the share price of Google if you don’t believe.”
That brought me to think of the irony, as we have been on a mission to monetize the oil industry’s most valuable data to optimize investment within the industry by increasing the accuracy of proven oil reserves, allowing marginal fields to unlock potential value that attracts increased liquidity to the industry by a crypto-economic investment model on data driven trust-protocols, ultimately complementing traditional private equity asset classes with never-before-seen potential.
One major milestone of Blockchain integration by Big Oil in the oil-rich capital of the UAE — ADNOC — recently partnered with IBM to enhance accuracy, consistency and speed of rock analysis to support better decisions to optimize field development plans. With help from IBM, ADNOC is harnessing the power of AI and a Blockchain-based automated system to integrate oil and gas production across the full value chain.
So… when it comes to Big Data (i.e. IBM) and Big Oil (i.e. ADNOC, BP, etc..) we have seen in place technological infrastructures that allow Moore’s Law to take effect — allowing change to happen at an accelerated, nearly infinite pace over time.
All this may be quite overwhelming for the global economy to understand and digest, but the speed at which big data can serve big oil can be so promising that we can detect reserves much faster, increase efficiencies that allow for a lower cost of investment that increases profits and ultimately the oil producing economies’ bottom lines, with the hopes of a positive effect on consumer spending in certain regions.
Now imagine a crypto-asset class that serves as an investable digital-asset running on IBM’s Hyperledger Fabric with transparency on the Ethereum network that shows oil and gas investment transactions being timestamped in real-time — that’s quite an image…
Now take a moment to understand that a “cross border payment system” is under construction as we speak. According to an IBM executive: “Once that happens, then we send the value along with it. That transfer of value is made possible by digital instruments..”
Investable digital assets that represent investments in proven oil reserves gold double the value, as they also represent the big data that is being extracted from deep with Mother Earth!
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